Waking up in an alley in an unknown city, surrounded by strange faces, as a cryptic moon hovers overhead is never a desired outcome. But it may be preferable to many, many other potential fates you seem to have just missed. You have autonomy. And though days seem missing from your memory, you have mysteries to solve, and monsters to survive, to keep you moving.  Lunar Memory is an eldritch gothic horror campaign that involves a City, it's dark corners, a ticking doomsday clock, an insane lunar calendar, and maddening creatures.  The campaign is a sandbox, where consequences will arise for cults left to fester for too long, and every so often, the night of a full moon will tilt the campaign in a direction of a sleepless night, where survival isn't guaranteed.  As a horror game, there will be a session 0, and I will be wanting Consent forms filled out. I believe horror to be a very beautiful medium, but one that is microdosing trauma- I want to be sure that I do not subject anyone to anything too much. Character Creation will involve all base D&D books plus the options of several 3rd party properties, (Mostly Kobold Press and Hitpoint Press options) and we will as a group make a few decisions about how certain aspects and home rules will play. I likewise will be encouraging players to leave gaps in their most recent character history, as I believe part of the fun will be trying to find out why your character came to darken the steps of The Lunar City in the first place.  Discord for Voice and Roll20 for gameplay is a must. A little about the DM: I have been running games professionally for nearly 5 years now, mostly through Discord and Roll20. I've experience with a couple other systems but use 5e for its commonality and my longer experience with it. I'm a story-driven sort, who values roleplay first and foremost in most sessions, though this one will involve some pretty intense combat sessions. During Session 0, I will establish some of my own boundaries that I do not involve in my games, but know that they're pretty straightforward. For more direct questions, feel free to PM me. This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $18 per player per session, to be made via Paypal or Venmo. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.